Level 1 Occurrence Reporting System

NH90 Supportability Data Exchange Occurrence Reporting System (ORS) provides a capability to store, analyze, report and share NH90 SDE occurrence data in a flexible, secure environment, allowing adequate communication of occurrence reports between military headquarters, operational fields and maintenance facilities.

An occurrence is an anomaly (event, incident, issue, failure) for which no standard maintenance actions are defined, or is an unexpected series of equivalent events (e.g. because of higher failure rates).

Each Participating Nation has the task to provide Occurrence data for the SDE ORS module.

SDE has been designed to minimize manual input. Therefore, a B2B interface and corresponding Interface Control Document (ICD) is available to allow for automated data input.

A Library function and a Search function are included allowing storage of files in various formats, such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word or Open Document Text ODT documents.

A Notification module is available informing users of newly added or changed occurrences.

Available since July 2012…

As of 19 July 2012, the SDE Level 1 Occurrence Reporting System service, incl. website and forum is formally up and running!